A simple DSL for extracting data from packets that are represented as byte arrays.
clj-net-pcap.CljNetPcapJavaAdapter | Adapter class to enable usage of clj-net-pcap from Java. |
clj-net-pcap.core | clj-net-pcap is a wrapper/adapter/facade (whatever) around jNetPcap that
enables and ease... |
clj-net-pcap.dsl.transformation | Transformation functions for the simple DSL for extracting data from packets that are represented as... |
clj-net-pcap.main | Main class and method for launching a simple clj-net-pcap based sniffer
that prints some i... |
clj-net-pcap.native | Functions etc. for extracting, loading etc. native libraries from the jar file. |
clj-net-pcap.packet-gen | The packet-gen namespace contains functionality for generating and sending packets. |
clj-net-pcap.packet-offsets | Common offsets of header fields etc. |
clj-net-pcap.pcap | Functions for handling functionality related to org.jnetpcap.Pcap
such as listing network ... |
clj-net-pcap.pcap-data | Convenience functions for processing pcap data like packets and headers. |
clj-net-pcap.self-adaptive-dsl-adjustment | A simple proof of concept for adjusting DSL statements with self-adaptivity. |
clj-net-pcap.sniffer | Convenience functions for easing the implementation of a working
sniffer. |
Index Page | |
Alphabetic Var Index |
A simple DSL for extracting data from packets that are represented as byte arrays.
Arglists: ========= (create-extraction-fn dsl-expression) Docstring: ========== Create an extraction function based on the given dsl-expression.
Arglists: ========= (create-extraction-fn-body-for-clj-map-type ba offset rules) Docstring: ========== Create the body of an extraction function that extracts data into a Clojure map.
Arglists: ========= (create-extraction-fn-body-for-csv-str-type ba offset rules) Docstring: ========== Create the body of an extraction function that extracts data into a CSV String.
Arglists: ========= (create-extraction-fn-body-for-java-map-type ba offset rules) Docstring: ========== Create the body of an extraction function that extracts data into a Java map.
Arglists: ========= (create-extraction-fn-body-for-json-str-type ba offset rules) Docstring: ========== Create the body of an extraction function that extracts data into a JSON String.
Arglists: ========= (create-transf-fn transf-def ba off) Docstring: ========== No docs attached.
Arglists: ========= (get-arff-header dsl) Docstring: ========== No docs attached.
Arglists: ========= (get-arff-type-for-transformation-fn transf-fn) Docstring: ========== Get the ARFF return value type for the given transformation function transf-fn.
Arglists: ========= (get-arff-type-header dsl) (get-arff-type-header dsl transf-fn-resolver arff-type-fn) Docstring: ========== Create the ARFF type header.
Arglists: ========= (get-offset e) Docstring: ========== Get the offset value for the given DSL expression e. If the offset is no numeric value this function tries to resolve the offset by its name. If the name is not found, an error message is printed and 0 is returned.
Arglists: ========= (get-transformation-fn-ret-type transf-fn) Docstring: ========== Get the return type of a transformation function transf-fn. For determining the type, this function calls trans-fn with a 1530 byte dummy byte-array filled with 0.
Arglists: ========= (is-new-dsl? e) Docstring: ========== No docs attached.
Arglists: ========= (resolve-transf-fn e) Docstring: ========== Resovle the transofrmation function for the given extraction-rule.